Welcome – Willkommen! – ¡Bienvenidos!

Are you facing the challenge of translating a complex legal document and seeking a seasoned professional who understands the intricacies to ensure an optimal outcome?

Do you want to avoid risks, knowing the high specialization and costliness of mistakes in the legal field?

Do you prefer entrusting your document to someone with both a legal background and a translation degree?

I’m Agustina González Grucci,

an ATA-certified translator
and attorney at law.

I help companies, law firms, attorneys, notaries, NGOs, government agencies, international organizations, and individuals operating in English and German communicate and connect with Spanish-speaking audiences through specialized translation services.

Translation and law

After having worked in the fields of translation and law since 2012, I’m well-versed in translating a wide array of legal documents, from general terms and conditions to contracts, judgments, arbitration awards, wills, due diligence documents, notarial deeds and more.

Throughout that time, I’ve also gained a lot of experience in other areas. That’s why I also offer language services in the fields of business and market research, as well as parenting and education.

ATA-certified translator


Besides holding master’s degrees in both law and translation, I’m an English-to-Spanish translator certified through the American Translators Association (ATA). Thanks to this qualification, I’m entitled to use the ATA-Certified Translator Seal.

More info here

German Translators’ Association


As a member of two of the world’s leading translators’ associations (the American Translators Association and the German Translators’ Association [Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, BDÜ]), I abide by their strict ethical standards and professional codes of conduct.

More info here